Athlete Update: Rico D'Anvers

Perago Trust grant recipient Rico D'Anvers gives an update on his training and competition.

Hello Perago Trust Family,

I just wanted to give you a quick update about my BMX and other achievements over the past few months.

At the beginning of December, I competed at the Rotorua C1 event in the Junior Elite men age category. Riders from Australia, Japan and New Zealand were all here at this race to gain themselves UCI points and spend time on the newly finished Rotorua track. After some good battles, I managed to finish first! This was a real confidence booster for me as I have never won such a big race before. 

Following the C1, a few Kiwi’s headed over the ditch to Australia in late January for four UCI BMX Supercross World Cup rounds. I was really excited about this trip as it was my first World Cup races. As of 2020, I am a first-year Elite rider, so I’m starting from the bottom of the pack and racing people who are 10+ years older than me. Rounds 1 & 2 were held in Shepparton, Victoria, and proved to be slightly harder than I was expecting! Disappointingly, I did not make it out of motos by just one place both days. However, I am very pleased with how I rode and I really understood what my weak areas are.

We then headed to Bathurst for rounds 3 & 4 of the World Cup circuit. Unfortunately, Bathurst was hit by some really strong winds and a little bit of rain. The men were able to race one race on Saturday at round 3, which I placed 5th in. Round 4 did not take place due to the conditions being too dangerous. It was a shame to travel that distance for one lap, but it was for the rider safety and I believe the right call was made.

Overall the Australia trip was full of mixed emotions but gave me a far better understanding of where my level of riding needs to be, which I am grateful for.

In early March we had our National Championships which was held in North Harbour, Auckland. A short, but sharp days racing left me walking home with New Zealand 2. I am stoked to be able to carry that number with me for this year, especially as I was the youngest rider in the Elite men age group. 

To top all this off, I was awarded the Sir Edmund Hillary Scholarship to Waikato University in October last year. This has been a goal of mine for the past 3 years, so to be able to join such a prestigious program makes me so happy! I am looking forward to taking up the marvellous opportunities that this scholarship has to offer.

That’s all from me for now. I hope you are all staying safe during this tough time with Covid-19.

Thanks so much for the ongoing support, I couldn’t do what I do without it. It is much appreciated!

Rico D’Anvers


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